KISS, (keep it simple). Simply putting it, we purchase movable items and we rent them out to third parties.

This business is really an addition to our financial services which we offer to our current customers.b59d287fa5aca506b5871746b10008e11d50458a

We finance items such as furniture and fittings for companies that specialise in selling specific products such as venison meat. Another was a speciality field of Marine fish, corals, and marine and freshwater fish. We supplied all the tanks and equipment on a rental basis.

We have equipped hunting vehicles, which includes the fridges, racks etc.

In addition have financed turnkey operations where we have fully kitted out an entire office. This includes computers desk tables etc. for businesses throughout South Africa, but we choose the opportunity otherwise, you can imagine we would have queues from here to Honolulu and back.

We allow terms of up to five years in certain cases.

But, as I have said before this only done where minimal effort is required. We must always manage our time for head space.